NYC, the perfect concrete jungle

Is New York the best city in the world?

That question has been buzzing in my head for quite a while. Well, it was the first foreign town I visited with my husband Alvaro. According to him, we started with the best possible choice. However, I can’t agree with him yet, because I think we should visit other cities before definitely giving the crown to NYC. But that city is certainly a great competitor.

We went there twice already. The first time was in October 2017, and the second one in November 2018.

Oh, the first time we went to NYC was with a couple of friends called Vincent e Duany. We shared an AIRBNB place with them during our 18-day stay. It was very fun.

A city full of magical places

We had the joy to see NY on Halloween and close to the holidays. It was like in the movies, actually (maybe even better than the movies). The whole city was decorated, specially the stores.

And there was Central Park. I think I will always be in love with that place, maybe it’s the most beautiful place inside that huge concrete jungle. We went there in fall, during our second trip. At that moment the entire park was full of yellowed leaves (so beautiful to see) and the weather was nice, with sunny days. I remember we spent a lot of time just walking through the park and having fun together.

Alvaro was very touched with the beautiful view at the Top of The Rock, too. We saw the landscape changing its colors with the ongoing sunset. It was a memorable experience.

Keeping records

We used to walk all day, starting early in the morning. At the end of each day we had a ritual of writing a travel diary while drinking a few beers. Our friend Vincent was specially excited with this task. I think it was our way to try to make that magic moment last forever.

Let me tell you some things that we recorded in our journal:

  • We spent a lot of time having fun in Halloween costume stores.
  • The moment we went to Times Square for the first time, I remember I felt amazed with the ammount of lights and billboards there.
  • We watched the Chicago musical on Broadway. It was a dream come true because I love the movie Chicago, and I’ve watched it so many times since I was a teenager.
  • Alvaro learned very fast how to use the subway lines. I just followed him, since maps and I don’t seem to get along…
  • We went shopping a couple of times, I felt a little shopaholic.
  • We watched a basketball game at Madison Square Garden. The energy inside the stadium was very exciting!
A cultural hub for all tastes

I loved High Line Park, it’s a modern experience where you can walk through an old above ground subway line and see contemporary art mixed with the beautiful views and gardens. There, we saw the city through a different angle. I remember I was specially amazed with the graffiti on the walls.

I also think I should mention that I’ve eaten the best pizza in my entire life in NYC! Maybe the emotion of living that amazing moment was the perfect seasoning, who knows?

I loved every single thing in that city! The concrete jungle is so beautiful, I hope we can come back there soon.



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